Digital Performance Marketing2024-09-03T06:17:47+00:00
4. Services

Digital Performance Marketing

Agency – Helping you execute.

We recognise the tremendous impact that not-for-profits (NFPs) create daily, and we’re committed to helping them amplify it. Growing awareness, acquiring new supporters, and driving donations through digital channels are crucial for lasting success. Digital fundraising isn’t just about short-term gains; it’s about maintaining a continuous, high-performance marketing strategy that delivers results over the long term. With our performance marketing retainers, we enable NFPs to fully realize their fundraising and brand potential—boosting awareness, increasing relevance, and inspiring action.

What is Digital Performance Marketing?

Performance marketing is at the core of our digital strategy—a results-focused approach designed to drive measurable outcomes. At Elmedia, we blend our extensive experience in the NFP sector with top-tier digital advertising expertise to help you meet your fundraising and marketing goals while maximizing your ROI.

Our team of SEO, Google, and Meta-certified specialists deeply understands the unique hurdles faced by NFPs, from rising cost-per-acquisition to the challenge of assembling a skilled digital team, utilizing cutting-edge marketing technologies, and making data-driven decisions. Our performance marketing retainers are specifically designed to provide not-for-profits access to expert teams and deliver measurable impact on the metrics that matter most to them.

To achieve these results, our performance marketing retainers strategically focus on key channels, including:

  • Paid Search (SEM): Google or Microsoft Advertising
  • Google Ad Grants: Maximizing the impact of grant funding
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Boosting visibility organically
  • Paid Social Advertising: Leveraging platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn
  • Programmatic Advertising: Targeted display, video, native, and audio ads for a broader reach

This comprehensive approach ensures that every dollar invested drives meaningful growth and impact for your organisation.

Paid Search (SEM)

Paid search campaigns offer a powerful, data-driven method for enhancing online visibility, capturing existing demand, and driving tangible fundraising outcomes. Whether you aim to increase donations, generate leads, or boost engagement in your programs, we create custom strategies that align with your organization’s unique mission and goals.

What sets paid search apart is its precision targeting—your organisation becomes visible to audiences making relevant searches with clear intent. This level of specificity often translates to immediate results and a strong return on investment.

Yet, navigating the paid search landscape can be complex and competitive without the right expertise. Not-for-profits face unique challenges but also have distinct opportunities to enhance their digital marketing efforts. An integrated approach combining paid search, Google Grants, and search engine optimization (SEO) can significantly elevate your digital strategy, ensuring you maximize every opportunity to connect with the right audience and achieve your goals.

Google Ad Grant

Exclusively available to registered charities, Google Grants offers invaluable opportunities with free monthly ad budgets—up to $13,000 Per Month for Google Charity Grant. This program provides a significant boost, enabling your organization to expand its digital footprint without incurring additional advertising costs.

Our team specializes in helping nonprofits unlock the full potential of the Google Ad Grant. For instance, we helped Mukti Australia secure the full $156,000 per year allocation, achieving a remarkable 73% conversion rate—well above the industry standard—and driving 559 additional donations in just one month. We leverage our expertise to ensure your campaigns are compliant, optimized, and consistently performing at their best, allowing you to reach more donors, increase visibility, and drive sustainable growth.

We’ll guide you through the process of securing and optimizing your Google and our soon to launch – Microsoft Grants accounts, from initial application to advanced strategy development. Our approach involves rigorous testing, ongoing performance management, and creative innovation to keep your ads engaging and effective. By seamlessly integrating these grants with your other paid digital channels, like paid search and SEO, we help you create a holistic strategy that maximizes every dollar and every impression, amplifying your message and driving more meaningful engagement.

Search Engine Optimisation

Search is the top way Millennials and Gen Z discover new brands. However, you can’t simply buy your way to the top—you need a blend of paid and organic strategies, and SEO plays a crucial role in any powerful performance marketing approach.

A well-crafted SEO strategy will expand your visibility, boost brand awareness, lower long-term acquisition costs, and consistently attract relevant, high-value traffic to your website throughout the year.

Partnering with an SEO expert who understands the unique needs of the not-for-profit sector can help you identify the key topics your audience is searching for and create content that ranks well, driving engagement and conversions.

Paid Social Advertising

Paid social campaigns provide a powerful way to strategically target and engage both new and existing audiences, ensuring your message reaches those most likely to support your cause. For not-for-profits, investing in a well-crafted social media advertising strategy is crucial for driving impact.

We leverage a mix of first-party data, lookalike audiences, and detailed demographic and affinity targeting, alongside premium data sets from sources like Experian, Roy Morgan, and Eyota, to zero in on the right audiences for your mission.

Our approach involves crafting compelling performance-driven ad creative that resonates on social media. This channel is essential for building awareness, engaging audiences, and converting them into long-term supporters.

Unlike search campaigns, social media advertising allows not-for-profits to proactively seek out and engage supporters where they already spend their time. Our creative and digital teams at Elmedia have developed award-winning campaigns that not only capture attention but also inspire action and drive meaningful donor engagement.

How can I ensure consistent fundraising revenue throughout the year?2024-09-03T06:08:33+00:00

Yes, to ensure consistent fundraising revenue throughout the year, it’s crucial to maintain a consistent presence in the market—not just during specific campaigns or appeals. A continuous approach allows you to engage with potential donors at all times, ensuring that your message is always accessible and top of mind.

Our digital performance retainers are designed to keep your fundraising efforts active 365 days a year. This strategy focuses on driving lead generation, attracting cash or single-gift donors, converting regular donors, securing bequests and major donors, supporting community fundraisers, and boosting event registrations.

This comprehensive approach includes:

  • Search Engine Visibility: Being discoverable through Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Google Grants (which provides eligible charities with up to AUD 13,000 per month in free advertising), and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to capture interest from people actively searching for causes like yours.
  • Social Media Advertising and Programmatic Campaigns: Growing awareness and engaging audiences through targeted social media advertising and programmatic campaigns that ensure you reach both broad and niche audiences.
  • Traffic and Conversion Strategies: Using SEM and social media advertising to drive traffic to your website and leveraging high-conversion techniques across all channels to turn interest into donations.

By maintaining an always-on marketing approach, you can build strong relationships with your supporters, remain front of mind, and continuously drive revenue to support your cause.

How can I maintain a strong presence with my existing donors?2024-09-03T05:54:55+00:00

Existing repeat donors are not only more likely to give larger donations but also to spread the word about your cause. However, they often need gentle reminders and prefer to give on their own schedule rather than just during an NFP’s appeal period. Their decision to donate might be driven by a personal milestone, a current event, or influence from their network.

With performance marketing, you can stay visible across the channels your donors frequent, ensuring you are ready, available, and engaging them for donations all year round—not just during campaign seasons.

How can I boost the effectiveness of my digital fundraising campaigns?2024-09-03T05:57:54+00:00

To enhance the performance of your digital fundraising campaigns, a comprehensive and strategic approach is essential. Here’s how you can maximize your results:

Data-Driven Insights and Continuous Optimization
Utilize data analytics to understand what’s working and what’s not. Regularly assess metrics such as conversion rates, click-through rates, and cost per acquisition to refine your strategy. Incorporate A/B testing and experimentation for ad creatives, landing pages, and messaging. Use these insights to make data-driven decisions that optimize future campaigns for better results.

Multi-Channel Integration
Leverage a mix of digital channels—such as SEM, Google Grants, SEO, social media advertising, and email marketing—to maximize reach and engagement. Each channel serves a unique purpose, from capturing demand to nurturing relationships. An integrated approach ensures you are present on the channels your donors are on, ready to engage and convert all year round, not just during campaigns.

Audience Segmentation and Personalization
Understand your target audience’s demographics, interests, and behaviors to tailor your messaging and approach accordingly. Segment donors based on their behavior, interests, and giving history. Personalized campaigns, using compelling storytelling and emotional appeals, are more likely to convert and build lasting donor relationships.

Compelling Creative Content
Develop engaging content that resonates with your audience. Use storytelling to connect emotionally with donors, creating a sense of urgency or relevance. Performance marketing ensures your messaging is compelling and aligned with the right moment, driving engagement and action.

Strategic Targeting with Premium Data
Target the right audiences through a blend of first-party and third-party data. Tap into premium audiences available through Experian, Roy Morgan, or Eyota. This strategic targeting approach ensures that your campaigns reach those most likely to support your cause, maximizing the impact of your marketing spend.

Retargeting and Remarketing
Implement retargeting strategies to re-engage visitors who showed interest but didn’t take action. Retargeting maximizes the value of your marketing spend by converting warm leads into active supporters.

Always-On Approach
Maintain a consistent presence throughout the year rather than only focusing on seasonal campaigns. This always-on approach keeps your cause top of mind and ensures you’re ready to capture donations when the moment is right for your audience, driving year-round fundraising revenue.

By combining data-driven insights, multi-channel integration, compelling creative, audience segmentation, strategic targeting, and an always-on approach, you can enhance your digital fundraising campaigns to drive greater engagement and results.

What Should You Look for in a Performance Marketing Agency?2024-09-03T06:05:49+00:00

Selecting a team that truly understands the unique challenges of the not-for-profit and fundraising sector, values your mission, and focuses on transparency, measurement, and comprehensive reporting is essential for a successful performance marketing campaign.

At Elmedia, we specialize in digital marketing strategies and performance marketing tailored specifically for not-for-profits and charities. Our approach combines deep fundraising knowledge with cutting-edge performance marketing expertise to help our clients achieve both short-term wins and long-term growth.

We recognize the complexities and pitfalls of the media landscape, which is why we remain media and tech agnostic. We don’t take kickbacks, don’t favor certain platforms over others, and ensure there are no hidden fees—putting your organization’s success at the forefront of everything we do.

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